Electric Fires Blogger will tell you more about the leading manufactures of Electric fires and the type of Electric fires that they sell. It will also keep you update with all the latest Electric fires to come into the UK market and all the latest low prices that can be found at Fires2u.com

Tuesday 18 May 2010

To hot for a Gas Fire why not try Electric fire?!

With the hot weather kicking in and hopefully here to stay, Gas fires our the last thing on peoples minds. A great alternative is Electric fires

Electric fires offer a great alternative as are able to work without having to use the heat so can produce a realistic golden glow to center piece the room without the heat or the cost of a gas fire!

Installation of electric fires is also very simple as usually just requires placing it where you want it and plugging it in! Wall hanging electric fires or Hang on the Wall Electric fires may require a little more work but at fires2u.com fitting brackets and templates are usually provided when required with there fires so the fitting of these fires are not difficult either.

At fires2u.com we currently have some great deals on Electric fires that are for limited time only until stocks last -

Valor Nano Dimension Electric fire and Valor Lyrica Dimension Electric fire

The Valor Dimension technology used for these electric fires is the most realistic on the market and ensures a cosy ambience in which ever room it is fitted is as though you are sitting in front of a real Coal gas fire – without the time consuming maintenance of a gas fire!

These Electric fires start from as little as £215 including VAT and Delivery!

The Pure Glow Amber electric fire is also at a very special low price of just £264!

The pureglow Amber electric fire comes with Fixed Coal fuel bed and 1.5kW of heat or can use the Flame Effect only setting. The Heat of the Amber electric fire comes from the bottom on the unit, which therefore enables a Television to be fitted above it if you are looking for a stunning contemporary look in the room it is being fitted in.

We also have two great deals on two Flavel Electric fires the new Accent electric fire and the
Flavel Marino Electric fire

Flavel Accent Electric Fire
Flavel Accent electric fire, is just £329, this price is just for a limited time! The Flavel Accent is a new wall mounted electric fire.The Flavel Accent is a eye-catching wall mounted electric fire which is available with either a -
  • Curved black fascia (main picture)
  • Or a Mirror effect fascia (smaller picture)
This electric fire features a thermostatic heat control system and variable flame speeds and colours. The Flavel Accent electric fire also incoroporates an optional backlight to suit your mood, in a choice of calming blue blush or vibrant orange glow. This stunning Accent electric fire features white stone and glass Pebble fuel bed which sit behind glass.

The Flavel Marino electric fire is hang-on-the-wall fire is back and is now available with a choice of fascia designs and colours to suit any décor. At fires2u.com it starts from just £365 this price includes VAT and delivery!

The Flavel Marino electric fire features adjustable brightness of the flame picture which can be operated by the dimmer mode on the remote control handset.

So what you are waiting for, your perfect Electric fire is just a click away at fires2u.com!